Specialised services

Specialised services

Specialised services

Financial DNA:

Financial DNA:

How can we help you?

Creating an inventory and compilation of your possessions and assets can save you time and money and give you quick access to financial products.

Create a personal and wealth history, including the steps that led to the formation of your wealth so far in the case of individuals and family groups.

All of this is justified and compiled in documentary form and made readily available to the client for use in accordance with their financial needs.

We help individuals, families and companies to have an exhaustive and accredited knowledge of all their assets in order to have a structured and justified global list of assets.

We provide advice on how to pass the suitability assessments provided for in Law 6/2023 and other complementary regulations and the rapid justification for access to the Professional Investor classification.

MONEDERO GIL & CRESPO does not keep, custody or store any data obtained in the investigation and justification of the analysed assets.

All the data obtained ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE CLIENT and will not be transmitted, stored or transferred by Monedero Gil & Crespo.

Processing of "Next Generation" European Funds:

Processing of "Next Generation" European Funds:

We provide our clients with the necessary advice to be able to analyse the main possibilities of accessing European Funds. Our capabilities are based both on the team's high degree of specialisation in public law and in the processing of grants and subsidies. In addition, we have extensive experience in the execution of financing operations for companies and projects.

Residence permits for investors (VISA GOLDEN):

Residence permits for investors (VISA GOLDEN):

This residence permit may be applied for by foreigners who intend to enter Spanish territory with the purpose of making a significant capital investment, understood as:

  • An initial investment of 2 million euros or more in Spanish public debt securities, 1 million euros in shares or stock in Spanish capital companies with real business activity, 1 million euros in investment funds, closed-end investment funds or venture capital funds established in Spain or 1 million euros in bank deposits in Spanish financial institutions. 

  • The acquisition of real estate in Spain with an investment value equal to or greater than 500,000 euros per applicant, which, if applicable, must be formalised. 

  • A business project to be developed in Spain and which is considered and accredited as being of general interest due to the generation of employment, investment with a relevant socio-economic impact or scientific-technological innovation.

A representative, designated by the investor and duly accredited, may obtain the residence permit for investors.

The initial duration of the authorisation shall be two years and its renewal is requested for successive periods of five years, as long as the conditions that generated the right are maintained.

If the applicant for the residence authorisation holds a valid residence visa for investors or is within the period of ninety calendar days following the expiry of the visa, he/she must prove, in addition to the fulfilment of the general requirements, the following requirements:

In the case of unlisted shares or company shares, a notarial certificate must be submitted certifying that the investor has maintained ownership of the unlisted shares or company shares during the previous reference period entitling him/her to obtain the investor visa.

In the case of investment in listed shares, a certificate from a financial institution must be submitted certifying that the person concerned has maintained at least an average value of EUR 1 million invested in shares since the date of obtaining the investor visa.

In the case of investment in public debt securities, a certificate must be presented from a financial institution or the Bank of Spain certifying that the number of public debt securities that the investor acquired at the time of the initial investment has been maintained or increased since the date of obtaining the residence visa for investors.

Public Procurement. Contractual Appeals:

Public Procurement. Contractual Appeals:

We advise our clients on public sector contracting, with particular specialisation in contracting processes and Contract Appeals before the Central Administrative Court of Contract Appeals, as well as before the various regional and local Administrative Contract Courts.

Tax Advice:

Tax Advice:

We advise our clients on tax matters in relation to the issues and matters that are being handled by the Firm, as well as, in general, on administrative, economic-administrative and contentious-administrative appeals that may arise.

Claims and Compensation:

Claims and Compensation:

Claims for damages and compensation as a result of civil liability, as well as other contingencies in the field of insurance contracts.
